What we’re about:
Student Ministries is a time to hang out with friends and make new ones, learn what the Bible says and to explain its relevance to our students. We will show that it’s not a set of rules to follow, but a relationship to have with Christ! If your student is new to the group you’re welcome to stay and enjoy or there is usually an adult Bible study you can be part of.
Our Student Ministries Groups are for kids in grades 6-12. The students meet at TCC weekly. The junior high and high school aged groups meet together for music, games, occasionally preparing meals together and hanging out time. Our Student Ministries: TCC Youth Group meets most Sunday nights @ 6-8PM (except on holiday weekends and over the summer).
We strive to provide a fun and safe place for your children to come where they will learn more about Jesus and the Word of God. We encourage the group to invite their friends to join us when we meet.
Bible Reading
We challenged the group to begin a Bible reading program. Please help them in this endeavor by encouraging them to open their Bibles daily. If you do not have family devotions, this would be a great time to start them as you and your children read and discuss the Word of God together.
Field Trips and Fun Activities
We plan several trips during the year so that the students are able to go out into the world and apply God's Word to life outside of TCC. We have mission trip opportunities, beach days during the summer, hiking trips, bowling, skating, hayrides, apple picking and more.
TCC Student Ministries
Pastor Joe Wade and Pastor Doyle DeGraw
Announcements are made from the pulpit on Sunday mornings and through group text.
Pastor Joe @ 856-534-9446 joewade76@live.com
Pastor Doyle @ 616-633-3565 pastordoyle@tcchapel.com
TCC Youth Group
Sunday Nights 6-8PM @ TCC's Youth Café, during the school year.
Weekly activities during the summer months.